
There are times in life when it is easy to wake up and not recognise the world that surrounds you. Or even worse yourself within it.
There are moments that shake us to our core, and through ...
Coming Back to You

I think space and creativity have a tricky relationship, a bit like a Ross and Rachel type of thing (#oldschoolreference), you know, they are meant to go hand in hand but sometimes you are not sure ...
On Space and Creativity

I have recently found myself looking at the lives of the people around me and getting jealous. You know that creeping feeling of discomfort that comes right after you feel joy for that person. ...
Don’t get jealous, get busy

Know you might be thinking I am slightly crazy at this point. What the heck has running got to do with creativity. Other than boring fartlek runs (if you don't know what this is google it, trust me ...
Running with Creativity

Creativity can sometimes prove to be an allusive state of being. Sometimes we are so in it, ideas are flowing, things are working and we feel on top of the world and other times despite our best ...
Filling your creative tank

There is a myth, perpetuated by alot of shit people, usually told to us when we are children - and no it is not the tooth fairy, the monsters under the bed ... it is the idea that only some of us ...
How to be creative even when you think you are not

What would we do if instead of looking for a definitive answer we just played?
No final decision, no should do's, no final outcome. Just play.
The chance to experiment and explore. As if we get ...
The Power of Play

So after giving it some thought I have decided (I know, if I have decided then this must be good right!) that the world is inherently creative. But this doesn't necessarily mean that creativity ...